Friday, July 6, 2018

Uddevalla, Sweden 101 km

Last evening we went for a walk and found the ferry terminal a mere block from the hotel. We left the hotel early to board to Sweden. The girl at the ferry booth processed our reservation and directed us to park in Lane 1. So we dutifully found lane 1 and waited by the sign that said Goteberg, our destination in Sweden. We were the only ones there. See photo.  The only thing that was suspicious was the flagging tape blocking the lane. . . A blatant case of don’t go on assumptions! After sitting there for a while and with no one coming it became more evident we were in the wrong place.

Sure enough there were two lane 1's and two signs. Apparently the one we were at was “out of service” and the “real” lane 1 was hidden around a corner.  Doug made his displeasure known to one of the ferry workers who came to make sure we got in the right place. He agreed with him 100% and promised he would get this fixed.

The ferry (which rivals some cruise ships) departed on time. See photos. The trip over was a little featureless in the mist but the arrival at Goteberg was neat. The sun was shining and blue skies as far as you could see. We sailed underneath a large bridge span prior to docking. And as we left the city by motorcycle we saw the top side of the bridge from the road way as we had to travel right over it. We had a short riding day today as the morning was taken up by the ferry trip. Also we deserve a bit of a break, having ridden in 3 countries during the past two days.

Ferry Casino

Ferry duty free shop
Now being in Sweden we are finding even more people speak English. Also discovering more places that do not take cash – just credit or debit (which isn’t our normal way to travel).

The hotel we are at is an older place with really neat world travel theme decor and hallways. We booked it on line through Expedia last night. In the ad it has a little heart symbol indicating it is a romantic place.  Which is why we think the tie-down keeping the halves of the bed together is hilarious. Single beds together in a hotel is a common European thing.

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