Sunday, July 22, 2018

Oswiecim, Poland – 386 km

This morning we decided to check the roads on google maps and see if we could find a way to stay away from the freeways. In doing so we also discovered a fairly big area where the road was closed so good pre- trip planning! Our plan of course did not coincide with the “girl” (GPS) so we had a day of recalculating!

It was a lovely morning traveling through orchards and many small towns. At the entrance of each town there is a sign that looks like buildings which indicates the start of town limits and the need to adjust your speed. At the outskirts leaving the town the sign is the same but with a red line through it. It was a morning of slow, fast, slow, fast but also one of the most pleasant rides so far. Very little traffic and good scenery. 
Polish Orchards
Being Sunday every little town had their church service in progress. Not sure why but lots of people standing outside facing the church, not like they were just visiting post service but more like it is too hot inside or not enough room. Your guess is as good as mine.

The past few days we have been seeing many stands at the side of the road with people selling their garden produce, some attended and some with an honour box. We have seen veggies, tomatoes, potatoes, red peppers, jars (yes quart jars) full of blueberries, baskets of cherries and boxes of apples. We did stop by one of the cherry stands and the man chattered away at us in Polish not understanding why we weren’t buying. Cherries and motorcycle saddlebags just don’t mix. Now if it were apples …

Lots of signs indicating free range cattle. Now at home we would be prepared for them to be in the middle of the road or heading that way. Not here. They are all so busy munching on the luscious grass on the side of the road. Besides they are all tethered!

As we got close to our destination (the GPS had taken over by then) we found ourselves with a closed roadblock. The GPS kept telling us to turn around but we decided to follow a taxi and some other local looking cars and sure enough, into a sort of parking lot, along a very narrow one way street, through a very narrow tunnel and out the other side! Voila! We were past the construction and the “girl” could take over again.

The hotel we are in is situated directly across from Auschwitz. The museum/monument which is open until 7 pm so off we went. We attempted to get in but Doug had his pocket knife so was denied entrance. Norma went in, Doug hid his knife in a tree and entered. They didn’t meet up until both were out so ended up going back in again together. The displays were informative but very upsetting. The whole compound is mostly intact, which in itself is amazing as we are certain there are many people who would have liked to see it razed. Perhaps it will allow mankind to learn something from its mistakes. There is a lot more we could say, but we will observe the silence we were asked to observe in the gas chambers.  We have included a few photos.
From the prisoners
Body incinerator

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