Sunday, July 1, 2018

Nelson, B.C.

OK. Here is the plan: on July 2, 2018 we fly to Frankfurt, Germany and upon arrival will taxi to North Frankfurt where we have a room booked. Since we should be there by late afternoon we will walk over to the nearby establishment "Motorradvermietung" to acquire our rental transportation for the next three weeks: a 2014 K1600 GTL BMW motorcycle. 

That evening we will do some modifications (adapt our tank bag, etc.) and figure out how to pack our things on the bike. The next morning we will begin our 3 week motorcycle tour of Northern Europe. We hope to visit Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and  Poland before returning to Germany.

We plan to add to this blog each evening with an analysis of the day, some pictures and . . .
 "New This Trip" the occasional "helmet cam" video clip (Doug got a new toy for his B-day).

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