Saturday, July 14, 2018

Rovaniemi, Finland 425 km

After a sumptuous breakfast (for all those brekkie fans out there – come to Europe for a treat – and this stated by the normally non breakfast eater) we said goodbye to Norway and headed into Finland under clear skies. That did not last long as we quickly ran into some lake effect cloud from an ocean-sized lake. Check out Lake Inarijarvi (here we go with those multi letter words again) with over 3000km of shoreline and 3000 islands. The temperature dropped into the lower teens, which meant a stop to don cold weather gear, and it did not warm up ‘til we passed the lake which took about an hour. After it warmed up it rained for about an hour and now that we have stopped for the day it has started again. Our stop was timed well as there was lots of thunder and lightning along with the rain.

The roads and signage in Finland so far are noticeably better than in Sweden and Norway. As alluded to above, this part of Finland has a large portion of its land mass covered with water. We passed lakes almost continuously today. And we met Martta at a roadside shop. As we have been finding all the way along the people are very friendly and have an excellent command of English. Only difference is we were getting used to the credit card machines with the English option and so far we are not seeing it here.

Numerous single sightings of reindeer and we were beginning to be grateful for seeing the large herd a few days ago, when we came around a corner to see a huge herd grazing along the side of the road. As they are semi tame they are not bothered by the traffic so just saunter out into the car path, much like the wild mountain sheep do at home.

Tonight we find ourselves in Santa’s Village – a Christmas theme park right on the Arctic Circle. We have our own cabin complete with Christmas tree, candles in the window and a sauna, which we are sure we will not use. There are lots of activities in the park, a mini shopping mall with Christmas themed stores and Christmas music playing throughout. 
Park Shop

Our Cabin

Our Sauna
You can arrange for Santa to visit your cabin for 150 euros. Not sure what he does for that fee as it is only good for 15 minutes! Any ideas??? Norma has her own Santa though so no need to hire one! It was a zoo when we got here with all the tour busses but it has settled down and is pretty quiet now – and the sun is shining!!!!! Sure hope it lasts for tomorrows ride.

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