Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Haapsula, Estonia 330 km

We needed to make an early start from Tampere as we had the ferry booked from Helsinki, Finland to Tallinn, Estonia and weren’t sure how long it would take to get there. Tampere is a mess with construction as they have all roads dug up installing a tram car system which isn’t going to be ready until 2020.

In hindsight this turned out to be the easiest part of the day.

As we approached Helsinki we were feeling pretty sure we had it under control. Until we realized the road to the ferries (and there are several companies that sail out of the small port there) goes all the way through downtown, beside the tram cars, cobblestone streets, poor signs. The “girl” (GPS) told us to turn left but right we went into a one way street going the wrong way – again more cobblestones. A quick detour into a market – bringing back memories of Sarajevo market ride – turn around with the ice-cream vendor yelling at us, and back onto the right road. The helmet cam was filming the entire time but no footage tonight. Explanation later.

Finally with just dead reckoning we managed to find the correct terminal. The ferry trip was uneventful. The ship was an old cruise ship, or at least that is what it seemed like, with sleeping cabins you could book – it was only a 2.5 hour trip, slot machines in every corner, a huge duty free shop, several bars and even a live band providing entertainment and a place for people to dance.
Leaving Helsinki
Ferry sun deck
Live band on ferry
Now for the departure into Tallinn! Getting off the ferry was the easy part. We just followed everyone but again found ourselves in the worst traffic snarl. Trying to watch road signs the GPS and traffic we ended up many kms away from where we needed to be. Oh, well. We are adventurers. Eventually we got turned around and made our way here. The thermometer on the bike was reading 35 C so we were melting and disappointed to discover our accommodation (we had originally planned two nights here) was like being in a SMALL OVEN (and was advertised to be a “family” room). Thus no helmet cam footage from today as it is just too hot to sit and edit video footage. Besides we don’t know if we want to relive the Helsinki ride again so soon. 
Our 100 ft square Estonian Oven
Now we are going to ride into Latvia tomorrow. We are still looking to plan another day off. Maybe tomorrow.

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