Monday, July 23, 2018

Dresden, Germany 476 km

Another country, another currency – our last for our adventures this trip.

The morning started out with a very pleasant leisurely ride through several small towns, a little forested area and then BANG! Onto the A4, which appears to be one of the major motorways (freeways) joining the European countries. The speed limit was 140 with the trucks doing 90 in the right hand lane unless passing. We have done a lot of travel but think this truck traffic volume beats anything we have seen in the past. It was bumper to bumper semis. If you want to take an exit you have to plan ahead to sandwich yourself between two rigs to access the exit. The road has two toll sections so last evening Doug exchanged some of our euros into zloty so we could pay these. It cost us about $4.66 Canadian for the two sections. We rode through many toll areas in Norway but they are controlled electronically and motorcycles are exempt.

As we have been riding through Poland we keep seeing wayside shrines set up on the edge of the roads, on people’s property and seemingly in the middle of nowhere. We think they must be like our markers for road incidents. They are pretty permanent looking though as they are brick with a maypole effect coloured streamers from the top and lots of flowers.
Wayside shrine

Sign indicating town limits

Caught on a mirror

Tonight we are in Dresden. A city with an interesting history probably best known for the incendiary bombing of  by US and British AFs in March of 1945. We can see the skyline from our hotel window.

Tomorrow will be our last riding day as we return to Frankfurt to return the bike. Included in today’s report are some captured stills from the helmet cam and a short ride through a motorway tunnel in Germany.

1 comment:

  1. So impressed by your trip. Thanks for the informative daily blog.
