Saturday, July 7, 2018

Lillehammer, Norway 399 km

Another country – another language!
And another non border crossing. There were signs on the highway regarding which lane to go into if you had items to declare otherwise you just kept on driving.

And here we thought we were doing so well with the language. Just discovered most of the credit card machines at the gas stations have a flag to indicate language choice. Too bad we didn’t see this first. No idea what they wanted so Doug selected the 199 kronor choice thinking that was the limit of gas to be pumped. Out came a receipt then the gas pumping began and ran and ran until well over that amount. Puzzled by this Doug approached another biker who was filling up his bike. The guy started to laugh and informed Doug he had purchased a car wash! Of interest is many of the gas stations have electric chargers (see photo).

Some time spent traveling the freeway today but compared to Germany/Denmark it was not very busy. We had been a bit anxious about getting through Oslo but the road just circled around and next thing we were through. Lots of tunnels, starting at 200 meters up to a few that were 3.8 km – a long time to be under ground. There were phone booths about every 200 m cut into the sides of the tunnel where you could make use of an SOS phone if need be.

As we approached Lillehammer had a great view across the water of the ski jump platform up on the mountain. Remember that the 1994 winter Olympics were here. The city reminds us of Nelson, being built on the side of a hill so lots of uphill walking. After checking into the hotel we walked uphill to the Olympic Museum. It is small but very well done. They have a well developed tourist shopping area as well.
Lillehammer shopping area

Olympic ski jump
Our dinner choice tonight was Norwegian Vietnamese. Actually Norma hasn’t been too keen to try the pickled herring which seems to be the ethnic Norwegian food of note.

Another sunny day with temperatures around 20. Only three drops of rain.

Tomorrow we head to the coast and the Atlantic Ocean Road. Hopefully we will include some videos of the ride. 

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