Friday, July 20, 2018

Klaipeda, Lithuania 0 km

We really are enjoying our non-riding day in this very interesting city. Even though this is a touristy city it has a very calm small town feel. The streets are all cobblestone (a bit hard for walking) and everyone is very friendly. We are finding the use of English isn’t as widespread here as other countries we have visited but people try hard and smile a lot. They talk so quickly that even if we did understand a bit we would still be lost.
Klaipeda waterfront
We started with the usual breakfast buffet at the hotel then walked over to the castle. Well, there isn’t a castle there any more. The castle was first mentioned in written sources in 1252, and underwent numerous destructions and reconstructions in the centuries that followed. During the 19th century, having lost its strategic importance, the castle was demolished. Archeological work was performed at the site during the 20th century, and in 2002 a museum was established underneath one of its bastions. Currently, the castle is being restored. They have a big job. We wish them success. 
Castle restoration
Castle museum
We visited the museum, examined the archeological displays and also saw a special section of the museum to learn a bit about the history of the city of Klaipeda during and after WWII. Hitler annexed Klaipeda at the beginning of the war and gave a speech at the theater just down the street from us (see pictures). Apparently this town was part of pre-WW1 Prussia and Germany “lost” it then as part of the war reparations. It remained in Nazi hands until it was liberated (read destroyed) by the Russian Army at the end of the war. When the USSR fell apart in the early 90s Lithuania became independent once again after many years of German and Russian “occupation”.
Hitler at theatre in 1939
Theatre today
We also walked down to a passenger ferry terminal and people watched. One fellow was fishing off the pier and caught two fish while we were there. We patronized a gelato kiosk as well.

The theatre square where the above picture was taken has many stands selling the same amber jewellery. I guess you just pick the seller who looks most interesting to you? Cruise ships do stop in Klaipeda so we are not surprised to see this.

We had been watching children “play” in the courtyard in view of our balcony so we decided to walk up the back alley and find where they were. It is a plastic chess set “playground”. 

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