Monday, July 12, 2010

Sudbury, Ont.

Total Km = 518

Can you spell “freeway”? How about “tollway”? We did 518 km in less than 6 hours including a ½ hour lunch break– and not a bad day of travel at all. We felt a few drops of rain and when we came out from lunch did put on rain gear as it had been raining while we were eating but really didn’t amount to much and ended up taking the gear off fairly soon afterwards.

We wanted to mention the streets of Niagara Falls were swarming with soccer fans when we went out for dinner last evening. As you can imagine, lots of horns, flags and cheering. We suspect it was just a reason to make noise as the Spanish flags looked very new. We are pretty sure that if the Dutch won the same revelers would have been celebrating their win. Doug was wishing he had an unlabeled map of Europe to get them to try and pick out Spain. Later we were entertained last evening by a very nice fire works display over the falls which we were able to view from our motel room. From things we read they do this a couple times a week during the summer. Overall it was a much quieter evening with it being Sunday.

With prior arrangements made we stopped at Niagara College so Doug could connect with their International Education Department. After a warm greeting we were shown around the campus (see pics) and had a meeting with a rep. from their Applied Research Program, all in all a very interesting morning. They even have a teaching winery on campus.

Got under way around 11:30 from the Niagara on the Lake campus and proceeded to take the quickest and most direct way to Sudbury while avoiding Toronto. That’s where the tollway came into play. They take a picture of your vehicle/license plate as you go by and apparently mail you a bill which is calculated depending on how far you travel on the toll road. Will be interesting to see when it comes how much this time saving travel has cost. We did see on the net it is approx. $0.20 per km depending on the time of day.

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