Thursday, July 15, 2010

Crookston, Minnesota

Total Km = 765

Decided if we want a hope of getting home on Sunday we needed to make an early start so were up and on the road by 7 am. It was a beautiful sunny day with only a few dark clouds near the end of the day but no rain – a pretty long day retracing our route nearly five weeks ago. The predicted 35 km/hr wind was in our face all day but the no rain part was great.

We rode along the bottom of Lake Superior and our only difficulty was negotiating all the continuous construction in Duluth. Doug remembers it being this exact same way 30 years ago so they haven’t made much progress. They are building flyovers over the port, etc. with so many off ramps, etc you could easily get lost on that section of road for weeks going over and around and over again! Took lots of concentration from both the pilot and copilot to get through and on the road again.

Last evening there was a pretty spectacular T-storm with lots of rain, as the weatherman had predicted. They kept flashing the weather warning on the TV every few minutes with it timed down to the minute as to when to expect it to hit and with a steady beeping to get your attention. Seeing evidence of the heavy rains everywhere today. One of the golf courses we passed had rivers/creeks where we don’t think they were supposed to be!

Doug was surprised to receive the US version of a loonie when he got change today. First one we have seen. The only quick way to tell them apart is the decaganal shape of the Canadian version. We have a loon on the back, of course, thus the “loonie”. They have the statue of liberty on the back as do some of their other coins and President Harrison on the front. How about we call it a “Harry”? Will see how well it is accepted by the “greenback” people on this side.

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