Saturday, July 3, 2010

Norris Point, NFLD

Total Km = 290

Moderately windy ride down the west coast of NFLD this morning, but the weather was mostly sunny.

While riding we stopped at an area where you could see an inland Fjord (see picture). Also have seen thousands of lobster traps piled along the highway. Apparently lobster season has just ended and lobster prices are so low ($1.50 a pound) that many fishermen are reluctant to continue.

We also keep seeing flags and mementos regarding people in the armed services and have surmised that due to the economic downturn in NFLD\lack of jobs young people are encouraged to follow a career in the forces versus trying to find employment on the island (alternatively they relocate to AB).

Arrived at Memorial University of NFLD’s Bonne Bay marine station where we met Bob Hooper after a 51 year hiatus (he was a junior high school mate of Doug’s back in Fruitvale and is now a professor at MUN and the head of the marine station). We will be going out on one of the research vessels with Bob later today so may not have a chance to submit further today as the internet access is pretty limited here. We are presently using access at the research center in one of the labs.

Another night at a B&B. Getting used to this idea.

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