Sunday, July 4, 2010

Port aux Basques Ferry Terminal, NFLD

Total Km = 530

Update from last evening.
Met up with Bob again at 5 pm and went out in one of the research aluminum 20 ft. boats, the Icicle. He was a great host and took us to many areas where he takes his marine biology students. He explained the geography and glacial geomorphology: fjords, etc that we were able to see. Bob has made multiple dives in the Bonne Bay and was able to describe some of the many interesting things he has encountered, like mini volcanoes, underwater fresh water streams and rock faces sheared off by glacial action. We went out to a very small isolated island where the terns were nesting. We had to be careful not to disturb them as Bob says they will attack and draw blood if you get too close during nesting time. Had a very good view from the water of Gros Morne Mountain, a view not possible from the road.

Rode back to Rocky Harbor for dinner then back to Norris Point to the B&B.

This morning a fellow approached Doug and asked him if he would like some Osonegro coffee – only available in Nelson. Terry, the B&B owner had told him we were from Nelson. Doug called Norma out to speak with him and she recognized him – Chris Goodall, a ER physician who had worked in Nelson ER in 2005! Had a very nice chat filling him in on people he had met. He now works in ER in St Johns but comes to this B&B in Norris Point with his family every year. What a small world. Norma tried to entice him back to Nelson but no such luck at this time.

We made a bit later start this morning. Had the rain gear on and off a few times so did see intermittent clear skies. Rode around the Port au Port Peninsula. Beautiful scenery (check out the front yard we saw!), very sharp drops offs, etc. At one point we found ourselves climbing a very steep and high hill – signs kept warning of major drifts so must be pretty bad in the winter.

Eventually made our way to Port au Basque ferry terminal and were able to get on an earlier ferry so will hopefully sleep the night away and make an early start in the morning. The ferry appears to be on time – a bit of a miracle as for what we have been seeing with the system here.

Raindancer had a kilometer birthday today! It was not 17.5C! That was only when Raindancer's engine heated up the sensor when stopped!

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