Saturday, July 10, 2010

Niagara Falls, Ont.

Total Km = 538

What began rainy (warm/humid) ended in sunshine and 30 C. It included a very pleasant ride through the farmlands along NY HWY 20. Before Rochester we switched to a more northerly route along NY HWY 104 and braved the section through the city before returning to a more rural ride. It was very well sign-posted and basically skirted the city.

At one point we decided to take a short detour to ride NY’s Lake Ontario Parkway and get some picturesque views of the lake. The ride along the parkway lasted about 5 minutes as the road was the roughest we had encountered to date on this trip. It was essentially unrideable due to the concrete slab construction and the undulations and breaks between the slabs. We thought it was unusual there were NO vehicles on this four lane highway but soon knew why as we bounced our way along until we could find a way off. Now we know why two different fellows told us to take 104. To top it off the land bordering the lake is private with posted signs threatening dismemberment and death to any unfortunate soul who tries to get a glimpse of Lake Ontario. See the contraband picture we took, but don’t tell anyone!

Arrived in Niagara Falls, ONT via Niagara Falls, NY around 4 pm into what I surmise is a pretty much a constant traffic jam in the area. Very busy with tourists. Lots of shops and tourist things to do. We have not ventured out yet but do have all day tomorrow (a nonmotorcycling day) to see what we can see. We think we are in a pretty good location to be able to walk to everything we wish to see.

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