Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Marquette, MI

Total Km = 597

Marquette is primarily a University town – home of the Golden Eagles basketball – is situated on the south shore of Lake Superior. Appears to be a nice place.

The day started out with a straight 4 hour run from Sudbury to Sault St. Marie through the forests of N. Ontario. Norma has now adopted the new title of “gull whisperer” as she became friends with a roadside gull. Doesn’t take too much to amuse you know. Besides the poor guy was hungry.

Saw a beautiful big black bear watching the traffic go by. Mentioned it to the lady in the convenience store so when the next customer came out and got into the car beside us he told us about the many bears at the First Nations reserve. Not sure if that was an invite to view or just being friendly.

Had a bit of difficulty finding the bridge to the USA as it was located down a rather improbable road in “the Sault” – poor road condition and sort of like the bad side of town. By mistake we also almost went through a radiation detector on the way through the border.

Finished off the day’s ride with a scenic cruise along the shore of Lake Superior. Nice riding temperatures in the mid 20s today with only the briefest sprinkle of rain – almost didn’t even notice. Lots of people enjoying the beach, white sand and sunshine. Water looked a bit cold to us but they sure didn’t seem to mind.

We have a concern with Raindancer as he appears to have a tire imbalance developing. We will monitor the situation closely tomorrow.

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