Friday, July 9, 2010

Latham, New York

Total Km = 428

Raindancer was stolen last evening!!! But we were able to apprehend the perpetrator. Why is it that little boys know at such a young age how to make the Brrrrmm sound?

We had a great evening visiting with Bruce, Holly and Ciaran. Went for a nice walk to the seashore then out for a seafood dinner. Ciaran fell asleep in the car on the way back to the motel and was out for the night so we were able to have a nice visit. Said our goodbyes this morning but will see them in Bermuda in a month or so.

We have now seen the extremes of weather from the 3 degrees in St Anthony’s NFLD to almost 35 degrees (34.5) in NY. We have been able to make use of all the gear now, the long underwear and electric heated vests and now today the cooling gel vests. Wouldn’t have wanted to bring anything along and not use it.

Had a great ride through the Vermont Green Mountains. It was marked on the map as a scenic route and proved to be a really nice motorcycle road, lots of curves, etc. Even managed to find another covered bridge. The only minor problem we had was that in New England they use black rubber melted with a blow torch to fill the cracks and it gets pretty slippery when hot!

Very hectic traffic for the last half hour of our ride as we got closer to Albany. Had looked at a tourist accommodation discount booklet we picked up at a visitor center (it has saved us some money) so had a bit of an idea where there was accommodation but certainly weren’t prepared for the heat, the traffic and construction mess we encountered. We were both happy to get out of it at the earliest opportunity and will probably make an early start in the morning to hopefully avoid a repeat.

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