Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nelson, B.C.

Total Km = 256

We are home!

The grand total distance travelled on our NFLD adventure was 19499, our longest adventure so far. As you might expect the last few kilometres this morning were easy with another beautiful motorcycling day.

Random thoughts about our tour and don’t get us wrong. We did have a great unforgettable time and marvel at how quickly five weeks has gone by:

NFLD is a long way from Nelson! Would we do it again? Possibly not. We could have used a few more days in NFLD but a lot of the vacation was eaten up in the travel to get there. Perhaps it is time we stopped and smelled the roses while touring. Say pick an area (state, province or whatever) and spend enough time there to thoroughly appreciate the location, thus turning our goals from very long distance destinations to the travel being the important part (we do stop frequently and stick to minor roads but there is still more to be experienced). As experienced two-up riders we have no intention of stopping the touring part of our lives yet, we just want to adjust our methods a little.

Biggest disappointment? Not getting to Labrador because of the ferry SNAFU. In hindsight we could had had a plan B but didn’t think we would encounter the ferry break down. Second biggest? Having our credit card info stolen – hope they catch the gambling addict. Third biggest? Raindancer’s failed rear drive (but see below).

Best things about the trip? Too many to relate including Nick’s BMW shop in Wisconsin who had us back on the road in short order despite a MAJOR mechanical failure and the very nice manager at the Super 8 in Wausau, Wisconsin who let us park Raindancer in the entrance to protect from the VIOLENT weather. How about the looks on the NFLDer’s faces when they saw Raindancers plate? We did encounter many wonderful places and people (in some ways it is the people you encounter that makes the trip, although one tends to think of scenery, etc. first). On the whole mostly pretty good weather and we can now strike two more things off our bucket list – going to NFLD by motorcycle and experiencing the “Maid of the Mist” under Niagara Falls. And yet again we have weathered five weeks of close quarters and survived still loving each other!

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