Friday, July 16, 2010

Glasgow, Montana

Total Km= 826

Woke to clear blue skies and another early start. We don’t even know where we are??? Ran out of map an hour or so – guess we will have to look on Map quest or find a tourist bureau to get a map for the rest of our ride as it was not in our original plans to head back via Montana. Not that we had anything engraved in stone, mind you.

Rode right through North Dakota on HWY 2 (a very nice highway – lots of oil drilling, which was a surprise to both of us) and continue on it into Montana. Mistake? Could be as the very first thing we saw was a sign proclaiming it being unsafe for motorcycles due to gravel! But what did we then see? An oncoming bike. We burned a U-turn and ran him down (it was a Harley so that was a piece of cake) and questioned him on road conditions. No gravel, only fresh pavement. Stupid sign. Later I made my displeasure known to the flag girl as we waited for the pilot car to guide us through the “unsafe conditions” (fresh pavement).

Next we came to Wolf Point, MT. after riding for miles seeing nothing but fields and the occasional cow. Temperature was reaching 37 degrees (the oil wells were catching fire – see pic) so the gel cooler vests were out and gratefully on (we initially activated them under some sprinklers in front of a business - Doug's idea but he made Norma do it! (see pic) and then needed to rewet them two more times as we went along). We thought we would have no trouble finding accommodation at one of the three motels in Wolf Point – wrong again. Who would have know there was a antique John Deere Auction going on and everything was fully booked – only in outback Montana. This meant we rode an additional hour longer than we had wanted to but here we are: both have had cold showers, cold drinks and sat in front of the air conditioner to feel very refreshed.

After cooling off we headed to the dining room for a nice dinner - took some convincing for Doug to order from the seniors menu (6o+ only) - he's a biker you know and they don't do that! But he did have to admit it was a very good dinner and plenty to fill us up, included salad bar and ice cream, but was disappointed they didn't ID him. Will have to work on him to take advantage of this type of bargain again.

PS. We did find a map.

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