Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Winnemucca, Nevada 699 km

It rained all evening and most of the night thus we awoke to a scuddy, drizzly, dreary day with fresh snow on all high points around Grangeville. We geared up to the hilt and that was a good thing as the temperature dropped to 3.5 C on Whitebird pass.  After a few showers the weather improved dramatically and most of the day was spend riding in coolish, but sunny weather allowing us to make up for ground lost yesterday.

Check out the interesting sign at one of the Idaho rest stops.  Several different interpretations could be formulated here. Poor Fido. . .

We managed to inadvertently attend a comedy show this afternoon. Part of Idaho HWY 95 is being repaved (both lanes simultaneously – so already you may detect a problem). Here's Norma who had a better view as I was occupied piloting:

After waiting about 20 minutes the traffic finally started coming from the other direction. Only problem was the stretch a few cars behind us was one lane so you guessed it – two semi -trailer trucks met at the same point trying to go in opposite directions. After a bit of panic from the flag people and pilot car driver they got our lane moving to try to allow the bottle neck to clear. Only thing was we had nowhere to go either! The result is shown in the attached picture. 45 minutes to go 10 km! I think they could use some lessons from the BC road pavers.

Much of today`s ride was a long stretches of sage brush covered rolling hills. One sign said: ``Pardner You`re in Cattle Country``. We did see a cowboy on an ATV trying to herd one cow from the wrong side of the fence to the right and another more conventional horse equipped cowboy herding a group of cows with his dog.

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