Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Las Vegas, Nevada - Lots of km on foot in the desert heat

Tonight is the big night –the Celine Dion concert. We have just found out the doors open at 6:30 so we will probably be there at that time to try to get settled and people watch before the rush. Norma has purchased a special Celine T-shirt for the event.
We had a bit of a sleep in (actually only Norma did) then after a leisurely get up and get ready we went for a loooooong walk to try to see the fountains at the Bellagio where the golf ball ads have the pros hitting balls over the water and into one of the fountains. We, of course, walked right by it but on the upper level so after much walking realized we were several casinos down the boulevard so made our way back. The casinos all link to each other so you can’t really tell when you have left one and gone into another. Doug has decided this is a young person’s town though these two old fogies are doing OK and enjoying taking in the sights.
Doug took a bit of a walk before Norma got up and managed to catch a few shots around the hotel complex with no people around. Later we both walked it and again today it is wall to wall people. We also took in the free “Atlantis” show in the middle of the mall.

We have tried our hand at the machines and Doug is still up over $200 after two days of gambling. Not sure if we will hit the machines again after the concert or not.
We have decided to go back to the same Chinese restaurant for dinner again tonight as it was so good and is very handy to our room, right at the base of the elevators. We have also already taken some items to the bike as we plan to check out by 6 am in the morning to get on the road to try to avoid the heat a little. It is supposed to be over 100 again tomorrow.

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