Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Virginia City, Nevada 701 km plus!

It’s been a very interesting, long and expensive day but we will get to that later.
First to last night. Norma loved the Celine Dion concert. The musicians were excellent, her dresses were amazing – she changed 6 times – and she sang a lot of the old favourites. Doug said it was just OK but although he isn’t a real fan did acknowkedge her singing expertise and her very genuine way with the audience. After the concert we gambled a bit more then settled in for the night as we had an early start planned.
Got up and on the road by 6 am to beat the heat (was already getting pretty hot) and traffic. We made great time and found ourselves back into the Nevada desert – lots of straight road and sage brush. Coming into Yerington, NV an oncoming car pulled out from behind a right turning oncoming jeep directly into our lane to make a U turn if you can believe it. If we were a second earlier we would not be writing this tonight.
We drove into the Fort Churchill Park but didn’t stop and we barely made it back onto the road to find we had a flat tire – only the second one in all of Doug’s riding history. Of course, we are pretty well in the middle of nowhere near a little town called Silver Springs. After a bit of “what next” Doug walked to a house near the road and they were kind enough to let him use the phone. He spoke to the BMW dealer in Sparks, where we had our servicing last week and they gave him a number for a tow truck company so about an hour later up comes this flat deck tow truck (hence the mileage above with the plus for kms travel on the back of the truck). During the wait we sat in these very nice people’s (Juanita and Ian) house and drank ice water as they insisted it was “too hot out there”. The BMW dealer luckily doesn’t close until 6 pm and they were waiting for us so we – after paying over $260 for the tow truck and another $300+ for another installed tire we were back on the road by just after 6 pm to make our way to Virginia City.
We are at the Cobb Mansion B and B, which is amazing as you will see from the photos. Both the bedroom and sitting room are our part of the house. It is owned and operated by Jeff and Paul, two very colouful fellows,  who invited us out to dinner with them and another friend of theirs (Maggie) so we had a wonderful Mexican dinner.

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