Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tonopah, Nevada 405 km

What a wonderful riding day we have had. It was another of those beautiful sunny cloudless days. It was a bit cool at the start out from Lake Tahoe and as we were going through numerous mountainous passes all the gear was on to start.

Headed up out of Lake Tahoe via Daggett Pass  (7334 ft). The view from up there was astounding.
  The highest passes we went through were Conway Pass at 8,128 ft and Sage Hen Pass at 8147 ft. You can see the snow on the peaks of the mountains behind the sign and tree. 
We did our usual trying to stay off the main roads so did spend quite some time in the back cowboy country. We knew we were in great motorcycling country by the number of motorcyclists we saw out enjoying this sunny Sunday in the middle of nowhere: deserted country made to ride! An example is HWY 120 which is closed in the winter so you can imagine how desolate it was. Volcanic landscape predominates (Mono Crater area) and along with the arid climate makes some landscapes almost artificial looking! This isn't snow though it sure looks like it in the picture! All that was growing in it was the ponderosa pines and pretty purple desert lupines.
Lots of watch for cattle signs but no signs of a single cow, just lots of sage brush and cactus. Must take a lot of land to support a cow.  We did cross over into California for part of the ride then back into Nevada.  Just as well: check the gas prices where we stopped for lunch in Lee Vining, Ca.
Tonopah is a unique little old mining town. Silver was discovered here in 1900, which sparked one of the biggest mining booms in Nevada. Just behind the motel is evidence of past mining.
Tomorrow we head into the Las Vegas heat! Just a reminder, if you click on the pictures it will make them bigger to view.

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