Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nelson, B .C. 516 km

Got a 7:15 start out of Walla Walla this morning under cloudy (!) skies. The morning’s ride to Spokane started out with an enjoyable ride through the Palouse area of SE Washington. The sweeping curves around the grain covered mound-like hills are made for motorcycling and we enjoy this area very much. There are also rows of power generating windmills as far as the eye can see. We were disappointed to see the Central Ferry Crossing campground is now closed. It is one we had visited in the past and enjoyed in spite of the rattlesnake warnings.
It has been a noticeable transition from the desert to what apparently has been a month of heavy precipitation so far, judging by the lushness of the vegetation (including mushrooms – see photo!). To think we were in 38+ degree weather a few days ago – not cold today but requiring full gear.
After a short sojourn at the Spokane Valley Mall to do some last minute purchases, we bypassed the city to the east using Argonne Road through farmland– this works very well (mental note taken).

Three bear sightings today - one just before the border (big black) and then a brown and black bear together in the field at Stagleap Ranch just at the base of the Kootenay Pass. Also two small coyotes at various places and many hawks again, looking for a feast in the fields.

Customs clearance was easy and we arrived home at around 3:30, just in time to mow the lawn and tend the garden before it started to rain. Perfect timing (I guess we used up our rain quota for the trip in Idaho last week).

All in all this has been a very enjoyable couple of weeks of travel (3944 km in total) and has whetted our appetite for further motorcycling plans. One of the highlights was the wonderful aroma of wild roses and just one of the many things you miss when confined in vehicles (cages as they are referred to by motorcyclists). We have vowed to take in a rally in the next year or so and have started discussing and looking at our options.

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