Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sparks, Nevada 261 km

Had a good deli meal in the room after our long ride yesterday to Winnemucca and left this morning at 0930 for Sparks. We woke to a beautiful sunny day, not too warm to start but certainly perfect as the day progressed. A much shorter, uneventful ride on the interstate 80 saw us at the Sparks BMW dealer where we dropped Raindancer for new tires and servicing. A short taxi ride brought us to the Nugget where we have a room booked for two nights.
The room is ½ the cost of last night’s and immeasurably more comfortable (see below).
In the plaza adjoining the hotel there is an outdoor farmer’s market today which runs from 3-8 pm complete with cooking demonstrations, etc.
We decided that would be our destination for dinner. We had an indian taco, a pig pop and a huge ice cream swirl cone for dessert.  This was all enjoyed while sitting outside in the park, a perfect ending to the afternoon.  We even managed to buy a pound of California bing cherries for later.
Now to try our luck or non luck in the casino! We did get $5 free gambling cash when we signed in so wish us luck!

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