Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Grangeville, Idaho 260 km

No-one told us that central Idaho has a monsoon season! The attached picture, taken at 1:15 in the afternoon says it all. Beside a very wet couple two-up from Boise on the 1300 Suzuki, the pair of Gold Wings belong to a husband and wife from Kamloops . The motel clerk was scrambling to find some ready rooms as we were not alone in seeking refuge from the deluge! Our very wet ride started and ended at 5.5 degrees C which meant all gear on and plugged in. Norma had SEVEN layers.  To make the ride extra miserable there was even a good whack of construction tossed in. This would not have been an acceptable day even in Alaska.

Then there was the mother mallard with her dozen ducklings crossing the road at the wrong time. Raindancer missed the family but we are not so sure about oncoming and following vehicles.

Here`s hoping for better weather tomorrow as we have a bit of ground to make up.

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