Friday, June 15, 2012

Walla Walla, Washington 392 km

Another great riding day. Left Burns around 0800 and proceeded north on HWY 395. This route through Oregon is a motorcyclist’s joy, lots of curves, good pavement, great scenery and rest stops just when you need one. Saw many other bikes today including lots of BMWs as the Oregon club is having their annual rally near John Day this weekend.  Had a chat with a rally goer on his K sport bike yesterday who was missing his wife on this trip (she won’t ride on the sport bike). But he does have an LT like ours for them to tour 2 up. He said his wife is a “head bonker” just like Norma.

Norma, what is a “head bonker”? Well that is what happens when you fall asleep and your helmet “bonks” into the rider in front of you – a not very desirable situation but often unavoidable if you are too warm, bored, forced to get up too early or just plain tired of waving at the cows!
After yesterday’s incident with the poor bird we seemed to find all sorts of birds coming our way and seemed to be ducking quite often. Doug says he now thinks he is a chick magnet but Norma burst his bubble by telling him he is just attracting all the old birds around! In addition, he even has his own new business enterprise (see attached  photo).
The other photos included in today’s blog are from Virginia City: local architecture and a couple of shots from inside the B and B. Note on the table is a picture of Paul, our host, who rode a camel to second place in last year’s Virginia City camel race. He is a certified camel jockey! Apparently there is a certification process.
We will get a semi-early start tomorrow for the last leg home as we are going to stop briefly in the Spokane Valley Mall to shop.

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