Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Stewart, B.C. 266 km

It has rained with varying degrees of intensity all day. We purposely delayed departure from Hazelton until 10 am to let the rain abate a bit. Also we did not have that far to go. Today’s route took us from Hazelton to the Cassiar HWY (B.C. 37) junction. Traffic was comparatively busy on the Yellowhead but lessened to mainly just logging trucks as we went north. Truck traffic and rain is not a pleasant combination for motorcycling. It was beautiful scenery though, in spite of the rain. Again, the flowers blooming are spectacular and more varied than what we were seeing yesterday.

On HWY 37 there are a number of First Nations settlements with big red “CLOSED TO VISITORS DUE TO COVID” signs. We stopped at Meziadin Junction for lunch at a motel restaurant. The “motel” was a series of interconnected portables. The restaurant reminded us of a work camp cafeteria, but they had good sandwiches and very good homemade chicken noodle soup! Just what we needed after the wet cool ride. It appeared to be run by First Nations personnel as it is on their territory. 

We then rode down into Stewart via HWY 37A. It very much reminded us of the road into Skagway, Alaska. Glaciers and snow filled avalanche tracks line the steep valley leading down into Stewart. Unfortunately visibility was poor due to the low cloud and rain. We are hoping that the weather will improve tomorrow morning for some pictures. The creek that the highway follows is in full flood and is quite spectacular in spots with evidence of highway encroachment. Crew were working building the banks up again to save the road from being flooded.

Stewart is a neat little place – once again we are hoping to explore tomorrow morning if the rain stops. We have checked into the Ripley Creek Inn which is a collection of old houses and a warehouse in town which have been very nicely modified into guest accommodation. They have colourful bicycles you can borrow if you are so inclined. No cell phone reception but there is internet.
We had hoped to go into Hyder Alaska but due to COVID we have been told we cannot cross. We will ride to the border for a peek tomorrow, weather permitting.

When we checked in the reception lady told us we could park Whiskey Jack in the owner’s work shed out of the rain so that is where he is residing. We can see him from our window.

Meziadin Junction Restaurant

Bicycles for use of guests

Crows Landing: Our Place at Ripley Creek Inn

Whiskey Jack is finally out of the rain!

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