Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dease Lake, B.C. 405 km

After a comfortable night in the Ripley Creek Inn (there was a tug boat in the yard that could be seen through the picture window and a brothel next door – both were quiet last night) we took a pleasant walk on Stewart’s estuary boardwalk. It was a bit overcast but at least not raining. There were lots of informational signs along the way describing the bird life and vegetation to be seen. We could see some shipping activity at the end of the Portland “Canal” (actually a fjord) where the town is situated.

We then packed up and went toward Hyder, Alaska (2 km away from Stewart). The border is indeed closed which is unfortunate because we wanted to see the bear fishing area and the Salmon Glacier. We went through to make a U-turn and lo and behold right at the border there was a bear in the middle of the road! US or Canadian, who knows! Guess he/she took some time off from fishing just to see us. Needless to say the border guards just waved us back from the safety of the doorway.

It was still drizzly and cloudy which detracted somewhat from our return trip on HWY 37A, but we enjoyed what view there was of the Bear Glacier and some impressive avalanche tracks. Upon reaching the Cassiar HWY once again we fueled up and headed north. Again today there were several Indian villages barricaded off to keep visitors out. At one little town they had even dumped lots of dirt on the road to keep you out and had only one entrance that was manned. Needless to say, we didn’t attempt to enter.

We had lunch outside at the Bell II workcamp/lodge/heliskiing establishment. Strict rules re COVID including not being able to eat in the restaurant, thus the outside lunch. At least the rain had stopped for the time being.

We found ourselves on a quest to count black bears and in fact sighted 10, including a mom and cub and the one at the border. Only one looked a bit scruffy. The rest all looked very fat and healthy. We were told by the lady at the hotel here in Dease Lake that one guest had told her he had spotted 20. But we met 6 horses nonchalantly walking down the middle of the highway as well – so we win.

Bell II COVID Protocol
The day was a real mixed bag as for weather, one minute sun, and the next high winds and torrential rain. We did get settled in for the night and now the rain is coming down heavily again. It is supposed to be better tomorrow and into the rest of the week so we can only hope.
Tug in yard

Estuary walk
Downtown Stewart

Bear Glacier

Best stop at the border - the enforcer is on duty!

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