Monday, July 20, 2020

Kamloops, B.C. 510 km

Prophetic comments made regarding deer sightings in yesterday’s blog. We did not get too far out of PG early this morning when we came across a car that had just hit a large mule deer. The sedan, driven by a lady, was totalled and the deer was still dying. An oncoming car had already stopped to help so we did not. You better believe that woke us up right now! On deer alert for the rest of the morning.

The high temperature we encountered today was 30.5C. Luckily we had gotten an early start and when we arrived at 2:30 they allowed us into our air conditioned room. It is even warmer now. The cows must have been feeling the heat too as in two fields we saw them standing in the water holes up to their bellies. We plan to make an early start tomorrow to get mostly through the Okanagan before the temperature gets too high.

We had lunch in 100 Mile House and took some gear off, then stopped in Cache Creek to divest more. Norma even took her electric vest off! It is 15C and light rain in Stewart – we checked. Attached is a HWY Cam image to prove it. This has been one of the rainiest trips for us so far. Mind you the older we get the harder it is to remember them all. Alaska was pretty bad too.

We followed the muddy Fraser River for quite a ways today. There is an impressive amount of water flowing. Hard to believe that paddle wheelers used to ply the upper reaches. Must have used a lot of wood fuel to fight those currents.

Some of the flooding we had seen in the Cache Creek area has abated and the one farmer now has a new road built so he can get to his house. Wonder how long he had been stranded. Such a crazy summer. The high water just doesn’t want to go.
Rain in Stewart still?

Fraser River

Williams Lake 

Kamloops Lake from Savona Bridge

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