Sunday, July 12, 2020

Kamloops B.C. 465 km

Let’s break down todays ride into sections

1.       Nelson to Grand Forks. This enjoyable 1.5 hr trip is very familiar to us as Norma’s parents resided in Christina Lake and later in Grand Forks. Over the past several years both her Mom and Dad have passed on so it is impossible not to reminisce with a smile and perhaps the odd tear as familiar landmarks are passed. It was just over a year ago when Norma lost her dad so many memories are fresh.

2.       Grand Forks to Rock Creek. The sun continued to shine as we motorcycled through the so-called Boundary Country. Once again mostly familiar sights as we often go to Kelowna to visit friends, the motorcycle shop and our special buddy: COSTCO.

3.       Rock Creek to Kelowna. Today’s ride over Highway 33 was marked by heavy motorcycle traffic as Kelowna Sunday riders make pilgrimages to that famous biker destination: Beaverdell and its special parking outside the pub for Harleys. Unfortunately they are in the process of paving a portion of the road so grooved pavement and bits of gravel here and there had to be contended with. The weather showed signs of deteriorating.

4.       Kelowna to Kamloops. The heavy rain, winds and plummeting temperature began near Vernon and culminated in 9.5C at 2pm in Falkland. On July 12!  Isn’t it supposed to be summer? It finally let up on the outskirts of Kamloops, which was good because we were tired of the deluge and it was time to quit for the day anyway.

The dark clouds continue and the valleys all around have streaks of rain coming out of these clouds.

So here we are in Kamloops hoping that it doesn’t snow tomorrow. . . We did our usual and walked for groceries, a deli dinner in the room. On the way we stopped at a lookout over the city. It seems every city has its usual homeless people lying about where ever they can find shelter. The two guys on the hill were younger than we usually see. Pretty sad.

Off to Prince George in the morning. Wish us luck with the weather.


Kamloops Street People

Tomorrow's Weather?

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