Saturday, July 18, 2020

New Hazelton, B.C. 536 km

Rain, rain go away. Come again another day. In spite of this we made our start by 8:00.

Another drizzly day to begin our return trip. But it was intermittent rain rather than the steady variety. The road surface for the first part of the day wasn’t great, with big potholes and water on the road. A fair amount of the Cassiar HWY has no line markings making motorcycling in the rain more challenging.  It made for a slower ride to stay safe.

More bugs and bears describes today. Again today we were fortunate enough to spot 7 bears. They are not even bothered by the cars. Just keep munching away on the grass at the sides of the road. Norma made a challenge to try to get as many bear images on the GoPro as she could. So her protocol was: 1. identify the bear in the distance (it could be a rock). 2. Turn on the GoPro by pressing the button on the camera mounted on the top of Doug’s helmet and hope it beeps and whistles in time to start before the bear has passed. 3. Hope that as the bear passes Doug isn’t having to look somewhere else to deal with a road hazard. Attached are a couple of the results today.
With regard to the bugs: Norma has a bit of a reaction issue with blackfly bites, something we don’t see much of at home. Hopefully we will be out of their territory soon.

We kept seeing the same two guys, one on his bike and the other in a truck with a bike in a trailer behind. They were attempting the Dempster HWY, had a critical breakdown and were on their way back to Penticton. We saw them again at our lunch stop. This time homemade mushroom soup at the Meziadin Junction and it really was a soup day!

When you see how isolated everything is you can appreciate why the First Nations locations are COVID restricted. Historically they have had problems with outside diseases. And it is harder to get to medical help. Having said that we just saw a Facebook post that one of Norma’s previous ER nurses is at one of the settlements we just rode by: Iskut, where the roads in are blocked with dumpsters.

Tomorrow we return to Prince George.
Typical Cassiar HWY view from the saddle.


Iskut Settlement-note roadblock.

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