Friday, July 17, 2020

Dease Lake, B.C. (2nd night) 240km

Today we rode the rest of the Cassiar HWY. Well, most of it, anyway. We now appreciate the vastness of the northern forests of BC.  We made a return trip from Dease Lake to Jade City so now consider ourselves Cassiar HWY veterans. Numerous large lakes along the way.

We actually had some sunshine on the way back and the fact the potholes were not filled with water (making them visible) made for a more pleasant ride today.

Jade City, BC is worth visiting if you ever find yourself in the area. Apparently most of the world’s nephrite jade (92%) is found there.  By the way, don’t expect to find a city there – only the store where they are taking COVID precautions very seriously. Bring a mask. No restaurant. No gas station.

We stopped at a rest stop on our way back to have our packed lunch and swat black flies and mosquitos. This could be a nice part of the province to live in if it weren’t for the isolation, long winters and bugs. Must take a special sort of person to want to live here. Definitely have to be outdoorsy.

Animal sightings today include only one bear munching on grass (lots of fresh long green grass with the steady rains the past few months) and a very dark coated coyote.

The hotel is quite busy with it being the only accommodation for a long stretch. The lady is doing everything herself, running the front desk, answering the phones, cleaning rooms and doing laundry. Another spin off of COVID as she can’t find people to work. They are all collecting CERB.

Tomorrow we will be retracing our route south from Dease Lake to New Hazelton and will pass the spot where Schmegelsky and McLeod murdered Leonard Dyck one year ago. As you may recall the teenage murderers burned their pickup truck and took Dyck’s car at that spot.
Even the Bear is Masked

Raw jade demo

Serious COVID precautions 

The Jade Bear is $25,000.00

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