Tuesday, July 14, 2020

New Hazelton, B.C. 442 km

A beautiful sunny morning greeted us in Prince George as we got on the Yellowhead Highway. The vast forests of the north are a totally different colour than when we were here last. They are green rather than pine beetle red-brown. Pine beetles killed off more than nine million hectares of forests in B.C. by the peak of the infestation in 2004. The makeup of the forest has changed now.

The Yellowhead Highway is in bloom! Wildflowers lined the highway all morning: yellows, reds, purples and whites predominate. There are fields of oxeye daisies almost making one think they have been sown. Quite spectacular and very fragrant in places, actually.

Lots of signs warning re moose on the road but alas none to be seen. We did see a lovely deer prancing along with her little fawn trying to keep up.

We stopped for an early lunch (leftover chicken from last night’s dinner) at a rest stop near Burns Lake. The reason for the early stop was the sky ahead. Very soon it started to drizzle/rain and continued to Hazelton. The rain took a brief break in Houston, so we did too, at the visitor’s center where there is a large fishing rod and a Mexican millstone – there is a combination for you.

Prior to dinner we went for a 2.5 km walk to a pretty waterfall in Hazelton. The mosquitos were quite voracious, however. More rain began on our way back.

Unfortunately the weather forecast for the next day or so is not good. Regardless we will ride into rainy Stewart B.C. tomorrow.

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