Sunday, June 5, 2016

Taos, NM 434 km

OK. Last night in Ruidoso at the Inn of the Mountain Gods (read Apache Casino) we attended an Oakridge Boys concert. For about 35 minutes. Now I am not certain who was at fault here but the drums and base literally drowned out the singing. Basically it was just noise. We left our front area seats and walked to the back where it was marginally better, but still unacceptable. We were not the only ones leaving. We would have thought that a band with the Oakridge Boys decades of experience would have this sorted out by now. So that was that - very disappointing as we had gone to hear "the boys" sing, not the band drown them out. Would like to see if they have a website where we can make them more aware of what their audience thinks!

As mentioned previously we are in the process of modifying our travel route due to a heat wave in the southwest. We headed directly north of Ruidoso into the mountains of northern NM. We even managed to get a little wet today as this area in famous for it's afternoon t-storms.

A substantial number of the small towns are kind of "boarded up" - relics from a bygone era.
Defunct old towns along the way
The most interesting part of the ride was HWY 518 leading to Taos. It traverses a 9000ft+ pass leading from the cactus/sage desert floor to a coniferous/deciduous area looking very much like parts of home in April (high creeks, trees freshly leafed out, etc.). Lots of old cabins near the ski area, which are bragging about being open for both winter and summer sports. It was 22.5C at the top - a nice change from 30C. We passed many bicyclists trudging up the pass. On their backs it read "560 miles, 35,000ft climbing". We like our mode of transportation better.
Spring in the mountains
NM needs a beverage deposit law

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