Thursday, June 9, 2016

Missoula, MT 585 km

We left Pocatello at around 7:30 and had almost 400 km done by the time we had lunch in Wisdom, MT. The first several hours were spent on I15 - our vote for the most enjoyable superslab around. Nice scenery, very little traffic. In MT the freeway speed limit is 15 mph lower for trucks (65 mph) which allows one to stay ahead of them and/or deal with them easily.

Have you ever been in a road race with antelope? We did today and can they ever run. We spotted the two of them, startled them then they ran along beside us trying to decide if they were going to cross in front of us, getting faster and faster as we got slower and slower. We finally got past them without incident.
Yesterday and again today we noticed miles of snow fence beside the road. Another indication of what kind of winters the farmers need to contend with.

At lunch in Wisdom we found a country Montana Christmas wreath on display. None of them sissy grapevines to hang your greenery on - they use barbed wire!
Barbed wire Christmas wreath
Not too far out of Wisdom is the Big Hole Battle Site memorial. If you are unfamiliar with the history of the Nez Perce tribe it is worth doing some reading. It is hard to believe how the native North Americans were dealt with by the European settlers. A different era.
We also  stopped at Darby, MT where we poked around an antique store for a few minutes. Lots of metal artwork outside the shop as well as a amazing Clermont antique wood stove for sale. No price was on it but the lesser one next to it was 7 grand. The clerk in the store indicated that if we were to purchase the bigger one she could happily go home for the day!
Stage coach sculpture - not too comfortable

Antique wood stove

Looks like we will be back in Nelson tomorrow afternoon sometime. As it turned out our trip has been cut a couple of days short due to the reroute to avoid the SW heat wave. Oh well, lots of chores to do at home in the coming week. Whiskey Jack needs a break, too.

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