Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pocatello, ID 520 km

A little more pleasant riding temps today as it only climbed above 30C during the last hour. We found another great motorcycling road: the Flaming Gorge-Uintas Scenic Byway in Northern Utah.
More  great motorcycling roads
It starts from Vernal on  Hwy 191 and winds over the 8000+ ft Daggett Summit after passing the Simplot phosphate mine. The mine owners have done a great job and are committed to continue restoring the mine site as they move down the mountain. You can see a green re-vegetated area to the right.
Phosphate mine
The road then proceeds as Hwy 44 down into the Flaming Gorge. Very scenic! And on into Wyoming. Lots of antelope in the farmers fields. Evidence of haying also.

Flaming Gorge - see the highway below?
Some of the areas in Wyoming reminded us of Drumheller, AB. Same sort of fossil-rich sedimentary rock everywhere. Incidentally there are signs on some of the highways today and yesterday stating that there is no snow removal from 7pm to 5am. At least they are honest.

Drumheller-like terrain
When lunch time rolled around we found ourselves in Cokeville. Riding down main street all businesses were boarded up - the grocery store, bar, etc. yet there was a large school and fire hall so we got the impression it should have been a center for the massive farming area surrounding it. We ended up lunching at a Flying J gas station that had a deli and a defunct restaurant that they let us sit in to eat! Several other people were doing the same thing after seeing us.

By the way, after Cokeville we passed the largest open pit coal mine in the US at Elkol, Wyoming.

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