Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ruidoso, NM 353 km

Another warm desert ride today (24.5C in morning to 30.5C in midday) but up here in the mountains it is a bit cooler (27C). We noticed a real change in the vegetation from the dry desert into lush green, with more grass for the cattle, fruit trees and a vineyard. Even saw a road runner high tail it through the fence and into the field. The last hour or so of the trip was very scenic with a great selection of desert plants blooming. We stopped a couple of times just to appreciate the flowers. The black rock is an old lava flow.
Prickly pear blossom
Yucca flower spike
Cholla in flower

We are always amazed at how friendly the NM people are. Most oncoming drivers will wave as they
pass. Yesterday at a reservation gas station there was this older native gentleman in a battered pick-up that seemed to be watching us. He then drove over just to chat and find out all about us.

Coming into Ruidoso there was evidence of a past forest fire on both sides of the road that must have been scary so close to habitation. This is a very touristy area due to the fairly popular ski hill. There are lots of newer condo complexes and well maintained roads.

Tonight we are going to see the Oakridge Boys in concert at the local casino. The venue is virtually sold out. Looks like we will ride over to the casino as it is a bit out of town. You never know. We may even try our hand at the machines. An update to follow in tomorrow's blog as I am sure we will have lots to tell about our evenings entertainment.

In looking at the weather forecast for the upcoming days we see a predicted heat wave of 100 degree plus to the west (California and Arizona). For example it is 115F in Lake Havasu City this afternoon. None of us, including Whisky Jack, handle that kind of heat well! We have pared down to the minimum amount of safe riding gear already.  So we are giving considerable thought to just heading north from here to stay in the cool NM mountains.

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