Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Price, UT 585km

Today's ride started out cool (10C) but ended very warm (29C). We followed Interstate 15 from Idaho Falls, ID to Ogden, UT. We then decided that I15 through Salt Lake City was not what we wanted (having done that before and the only time Norma was nervous with four lanes of traffic, semis on both sides, front and back and going 80 miles an hour - yes, 80MPH!) so we rode east into the mountains and looped around the megopolis. Much nicer route, albeit a half hour (approx.) longer. We had several nice breaks along the way, one at a state park (reservoir) and another featuring a tribute to the original railroad line traversing Soldier Summit.
Deer Lake State Park (UT)
Skookum Cow Catcher
Almost forgot to tell about a most unsettling happening yesterday. Doug was taking some pictures of the surroundings when a strange object appeared in the camera lens. Obviously some wild-haired madman was skulking around the bike while we were stopped. Managed to catch a photo, though - see what you think.

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