Monday, June 6, 2016

Dove Creek, CO 464 km

The temperatures ranges from 15C to 33C today as the weather continues very warm. Yesterday there were some t-storms in the Taos area along with very gusty winds all of which happened after we stopped riding for the day.

As we left Taos this morning we came to a subdivision of solar powered earth houses. Taos county is very much a cool weather, snowy, mountainous area.
Solar powered earth house

Not too long after Taos we crossed the Rio Grande which has carved out quite a canyon.
Rio Grande canyon
Todays ride involved a 10000+ foot pass in NM. The trees had not yet leafed out and there was snow in the shadows. While stopped at the lookout we met a BMW rider from New York who is in the process of doing exactly what we are doing, avoiding the mid 40s temperatures in California and Arizona (it is 108F in Phoenix as we write this). 
10000 ft lookout
Lots of bikes out enjoying this great riding area. Colorado seems more touristy with several smaller ski areas and signs indicating both winter and summer sports to enjoy. Lots of llamas and alpacas so we need to do some research and see if that is what the modern Navajo use to weave those beautiful blankets. It just seems there are too many to just be pets. Also saw two huge dead pigs on the side of the road so wonder if they have a wild pig/boar problem here.
Tonight we find ourselves in a bean farming area of Colorado and will head north through eastern CO into N. Utah. People here mustn't see men in shorts very often. This comment comes after a fellow commented on Doug's white legs as we were out walking.


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