Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rocky Harbour, Gros Morne Nat'l Park, NFLD

Total Km = 560

We decided we needed to sit down with our map and the tour guide the NFLD tourist association had sent us this winter, prioritize where we wanted to go and what we wanted to see as we are finding we could probably have used more days in NFLD. With a plan in place – neither of us are much for planning as you all know – yah, sure you say- we were ready to set out.

Woke to overcast skies and the weather man telling us it was going to rain but as we got going we actually had a bit of sun. The skies stayed pretty overcast but we only saw a few minutes of minor sprinkles. The temperatures are on the cool side though so between the scenery and the temperatures we are reminded of Alaska.

We set off following the Trans Canada Highway (aka TCH in NFLD) and even though it wasn’t our usual choice for travel we had a great day with lots to see.

There are thousands of lakes/ponds and the scrubby trees so good moose habitat but again today the only ones we saw were the cute little moose family in front of the Gander tourist center –see picture. Norma had to do some grandchildren shopping – after all there is one entire empty saddlebag to fill! The only wildlife we have seen today was a beautiful black fox that tried to run into us at full speed across the highway.

We have decided that Gros Morne National Park of NFLD equates to Banff National Park of AB– lots of touristy things and at touristy prices. We rode to the end of the road along the harbour and found the fish market so are having fresh halibut and scallops for dinner. Sure getting our load of fresh local seafood this trip.

Oh yes, please meet Priscilla the Atlantic Puffin. She has recently assumed her duties as trip mascot, dutifully hanging on to Raindancer’s handlebar.

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