Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dieppe, N.B.

Total Km = 13

Woke to another sunny day. As Raindancer went to the shop yesterday afternoon for a routine servicing and a new battery (prophylactic replacement) we are having a down day of relaxation and not riding. Walked down to Atlantic Motoplex to look around the new shop (they have changed locations since we picked up Raindancer originally) and see Troy – the fellow we picked up Raindancer from 5 years ago. He remembered us or at least he remembered the bottle of Bermuda Gosling rum we had given him as thanks for meeting us on a Sunday.

We decided to take the bus to the Champlain Mall. It runs right in front of the motel. Had a stroll through the mall, had some lunch then made our way back here to find the bike was ready for pick up. Then, once wheeled again, we did laundry and were chased back to the motel by a predicted rainstorm.
Just returned from a wonderful seafood dinner at Fisherman's Paradise (right across the street - see pic taken this afternoon before the showers began).
Interesting how most New Brunswickers are bilingually fluent - some without a trace of an accent (either way?). They seem to have built in radar to detect whether you are an anglophone or a francophone and address you in the proper language.

We sort of have an extra day coming up. “Sort of” because we have about 450 km to the ferry to do in basically 2 days-our ferry leaves at 1:30 am (yup, you read that right) Saturday. We have some ideas about how to occupy our time including: We will let you know how we made out tomorrow!

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