Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ashland, Wisconsin

Total km = 715

We were in 3 states today: North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin. First time visit to these states for Norma. Started out in the North Dakota sunshine which turned into heavy cloud in Minnesota (no rain of any note) and ended up in sunshine in Wisconsin. For the most part a very pleasant ride, except for the industrial Duluth area where the highway weaves it’s way through the industrial section on overpasses, narrow barricaded single file roads, and lots of traffic.
Saw two long neck turtles making their way across the highway – pretty slow and scary trip for them. Didn’t see any squished ones so guess they must move faster than we think. Also saw a herd of buffalo with the cutest little calf.

One of our frequent stops was at a golf course in Proctor, MN. They obviously use the hilly part for winter time sledding as there is a sign warning not to stand at the bottom when the sleds are coming down.

Stopped in Superior, WI on the shores of Lake Superior (surprise) at a memorial for the Great Lakes mariners complete with a “whale back” freighter. Several encounters with jealous men who wished they were out riding with their wives on the back of their imaginary motorbike! Everyone’s very friendly and inquisitive as to our travels.

Ashland, our overnight stop, is a very pretty town of 9000, on the shores of the Lake Superior. Went for a walk along the lakeside after dinner and found some large, spectacular ladyslippers. They must be at least ten times the size of the tiny ones we find wild at home. The city has done a really nice job putting in a walkway that goes for miles along the lake with frequent plaques explaining what you are seeing in the lake or on the shore.

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