Monday, June 21, 2010

Bangor, Maine.

Total km = 510

We and the white puffy clouds floated easily through the northern countryside of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine today. Staying off the freeways as much as possible prolongs the trip but makes it infinitely more enjoyable. We do run into the odd bit of construction, however (this morning we abandoned one route because of detours associated with a bridge being out). The weather gods have really been with us so far. We even contemplated breaking out the cooling gel vests!

Stopped for a break in Lancaster, N.H. and was asked if we were part of the motorcycle rally. Putting 2+2 together it was realized that we were arriving in New Hampshire at the end of Laconia bike week which explains why we saw so many bikes coming toward us in NY yesterday. The old Lancaster Hotel has drop down fire escapes (see pic) – something right out of the old movies.

Right from the get go this morning we kept seeing signs to watch for moose, but the only ones we saw were wooden statues in front of businesses or on people’s lawns. There really must be a huge population around though as every second business had moose in its name – Mooseview Lodge, Moosehaven, etc, plus there were advertisings for moose sighting tours and we saw several “Moose Road, Moose Avenue, etc”!

Stopped at a really neat little country store for lunch and had the best salad and sandwich. Had a good look around the store while lunch was being prepared – mostly health food items but some pretty interesting things. Sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air at the picnic tables they had under the trees.

Have just finished our dinner of Maine lobster. We just had to do it so we would have a means of comparison when we hit the Maritimes! It was really cheap compared to what we would pay at home.

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