Friday, June 18, 2010

London, ONT

Total km = 480

Another great riding day, although if you were listening to the weather channel over the past few days you would think we had terrible time of it – tornados, T- storms, flooding, etc. Sorry, we seemed to have missed all of that “interesting weather” in ND and MN. Today’s ride was a mixture of freeway/industry and peaceful MI and ONT farmland. The two pictures will illustrate that contrast to you. We crossed the border at Port Huron/Sarnia and had a short chat with the border guard who had visited Nelson and loved it.
This evening finds us enjoying the hospitality of Maggie and Ivan Listar, relocated Nelson friends/neighbours. Ivan heads the City of London urban forestry program and Maggie is a teacher. Tomorrow we will head down into upstate New York, a very nice riding area and are hoping our nice weather will continue to lead the way.

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