Monday, June 10, 2013

Worley, ID 638 km

Update on the Brewery Follies as promised. The event takes place in the basement of the old Brewery and the cast of five cover the door, serve drinks and perform. It was a bit raunchy at times but they had forewarned everyone. The musician was excellent and their take on some of the older songs was good.

Left the ghost town at around 9 after a very nice breakfast - egg pizza which we are going to try to make at home. Couple that ran the B&B were very nice. No ghost but the following picture sums up the place.

A beautiful day for a ride. Spent a lot of time following Montana's Clark Fork river (trout stream extraordinaire - but no fishermen, it must still be closed).
Stopped at Philipsburg, MT for lunch - another historic site-town. A lady on the street recommended the BBQ joint so we dug in and had BBQ sauce everywhere - yum. Norma thinks they could save a bit of money by cutting back on the too generous amount of sauce on the ribs. At least they provided paper towel by the roll and those wet wipe things.
Walked around the main street of the town  bit. There was one shop that had sapphire "panning". For 25 bucks they get you a bag of dirt, provide instructions and away ya go! Also there was this candy store. . .
Well, it was a designated guilt free zone - what would you do? We came away with some chocolate huckleberry caramels and other things which we will sample later.

Here we are at the Coeur d' Alene casino again so will try our luck after a bit of dinner. Heading home tomorrow. This will be the last post for this trip.

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