Sunday, June 9, 2013

Nevada City, MT - 440 km

We rode through a good part of central Montana (including Bozeman, Bruce - we were here a few years ago to hear Bruce present his Montana State University Masters project) today. The morning was great but the wind once again picked up in the afternoon. We passed by the Madison River on the way. Full of fishermen and tubing aficionados. Lots of spots to camp and it being a Sunday people were definitely taking advantage of the day. The river being high with all the runoff is running pretty fast so it was interesting watching the fishing boats trying to keep off the rocks and not run too fast. Most boats had an oarsman holding the craft while his buddies tried to cast (in the wind) and hopefully land the line where they were aiming. Didn't see anyone pull any fish in!

If you check a Montana map you will see Nevada City listed as what it is: a ghost town. And we (and the ghosts presumably) are here for the night at a B&B.
Upon arrival we took some time to tour the town (which is a museum in itself). It has the most amazing collection of mechanical musical devices from player organs, calliopes and the like to a violin machine! Most are in playable condition (bring your quarters!) so we tried them out.
Violin playing machine
The town is interesting with many  buildings housing authentic accoutrements of all descriptions. Volunteers in period costumes make the scene more real on the weekends. Unfortunately the old steam train was off for repairs so we couldn't take a ride. Norma was even shown how to spin wool. The lady worked the spinning wheel pedal and provided guidance on holding the raw wool. Even gave us a sample of what was spun.
We are going back a few K's to Virginia City tonight to attend the "follies" and will report tomorrow.

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