Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wheatland, WY 248 km

A beautiful riding day beckoned in the Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming plains. Clear skies and temperatures in the mid 20s. After a leisurely start to the morning we left Fort Collins with great anticipation and made it as far as Laramie when a Wyoming territory Marshall caught up with us.
He suggested that it would be a good idea to spend (or did he say "do"?) some time in the Wyoming Territory State Prison. Apparently we had little choice.
We received our charges (Norma for manslaughter and me for grand larceny) and our prison numbers 271 and 70 respectively). We then were directed to the cells.
All together we "did" about 2 hours before being pardoned (and we have the papers to prove it). We also toured the prison broom factory while we were there. There was a female "prisoner" in period costume who explained the process. We got the impression that during the higher tourist season there are more people about in costume.
In addition to the prison there were period ranch buildings on display as well. Does anyone know where I can buy the pair of pants that were advertised on a wall?

 After blowing the joint (The Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site) we headed back into the prairie. At one wayside stop on a deserted highway we decided to get a gopher's eye crossing view. The rolling hills for Wyoming are pretty interesting - antelope on the prairies, wind gusts, snow fences including an attempt to grow trees to act as one and an animal research area where they have buffalo and elk in compounds right beside the road - providing turn off areas too so you can safely stop to view. One of the huge buffalo sure didn't let us out of his sights!

Here we are at a little prairie town called Wheatland. People are very friendly and welcoming. We are enjoying the shorter riding days while we take in some of the parks.

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