Sunday, June 2, 2013

Torrey, UT 468 km

Last night we did a bit more slot machining. Norma continues to win - glad one of us is.

Lots of sagebrush and pinyon pine desert today as we rode from Ely, Nevada to central Utah. The temperature actually reached 34C today for awhile and most of the ride was over 30C. The last pass we rode over was 8300 feet and it was 26C at the top. Needless to say we have stored the cold weather gear for awhile.

This part of Utah is quite panoramic with lush green valleys between mountain passes.  I always like the pinyon pine desert country because of iits unique ecological characteristics including some interesting birds we don't see at home (e.g .scrub jays and broadtailed hummers).
The tourism dept. even has coined the "panorama" title.
Tomorrow we will ride through Capitol Reef National Park and are looking forward to some spectacular scenery that only Utah can offer. Just before we stopped this afternoon we had an appetizer: the beautiful red rock bluffs.

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