Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ely, NV - 508 km

Had a very nice Mexican dinner and evening in Virginia City. Our accommodation for the night was in the Julia Bulette room in the 140+ years old Cobb Mansion - the same B&B we stayed in last year. Julia made her living as a prostitute (apparently a very good one as when she was unfortunately murdered most of Virginia City's miner population turned out for her funeral).

Julia Bulette
The room is tastefully done in a red light theme. Check out 4 poster bed and the bedside lamps! Also a classic Victrola was in the sitting room next door.

After a wonderful breakfast prepared by Paul and Jeff we headed out to tackle Nevada's Highway 50: the loneliest road in America. We acquired the necessary travel survival guide and passport for the trip (the automobile association does not recommend the highway because of its perils and remoteness and suggests you only travel it if you have good survival skills.). It is actually very scenic and varied with rolling tumble weed -desert - and some nice windy hilly parts. Didn't see any wildlife though lots of signs to watch for the beasts.

But here we are! We made it! And we can apparently get a certificate from the State of Nevada to prove it!

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