Sunday, January 8, 2023

St. John’s, Antigua.

We are finding blog postings to be quite a challenge because of the changes (downgrades?) Google has made to the blog editor and the VERY spotty nature of the internet reception on the ship. So bear with us through the mistakes. It may be necessary to post blog entries the next day as the internet seems better in the wee hours of the morning. We left San Juan smoothly and silently on time (seems like everything on the ship runs on time). The only way we could tell we had departed was the motion of the ship. The weather was little unsettled (typical tropical afternoon fare) and we even sailed through a thunderstorm. Yesterday afternoon was a presentation on Antigua, our stop for today – looks like a beautiful island. You are not allowed to wear any camouflage clothing on the island, so as not to be mixed up with the military, apparently. After the presentation we had a very nice “posh” dinner in the main restaurant. Doug’s definition of a “posh” dinner is one that is well presented with small servings. Afterwards we joined a trivia team from Pennsylvania and did not do well but had fun. To end the evening we attended a reception by the officers of the ship followed by a musical tribute to Dusty Springfield. Don’t worry if you don’t know of her as you have to be old like the passengers on this ship. Speaking of the ship’s passengers about 9/10ths of the 930 are American, there are 65 Canadians and the rest mostly Brits. Once again, afternoons and evenings have so many activities that it is hard to choose which to go to. Today we started out with an interesting guided bus tour of the island which included some scenic viewpoints and a walk around the harbour complete with a tropical punch drink. In the afternoon we attended a lecture on Caribbean wildlife by the resident naturalist. It is about 5 pm and we are now leaving Antigua for San Lucia – tomorrow’s destination.

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