Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Cruising the Caribbean Sea

After we left Barbados yesterday the sea became, well, the open ocean and the rougher ride started. Keep in mind that the Viking Sea is a relatively small cruise liner (900 passengers) which is what is needed to navigate the Amazon River. We pay for that with a bouncy ride getting there. Neither one of us is particularly prone to motion sickness but it is not as pleasant a trip. Navigating the hallways can be challenging in particular as not all have grab rails. The captain says we have 6-8 foot swells and calls it “a nice day on the Atlantic”.

While in port yesterday Doug bought Norma a new Pandora charm depicting flags of Barbados (see picture) for her travel bracelet. We then dressed up for dinner in one of the specialty restaurants: Manfredo’s Italian. Very nice meal. In the evening we played trivia as usual. Still have not won but we were shorthanded once again.

This morning Doug had a chat with the ship’s naturalist as he does “office hours” on an observation deck with his binoculars and camera. While he chatted Norma got in some steps briskly walking around on the walking track trying not to fall over with the swell.

The shower experience in these swells is interesting. You have to wait to open the door as the swells take the shower water to the drain, to the door and back again until it is empty.

Also this morning we attended a presentation by the head chef (Filipino) and the pastry chef (German). They incorporated a bit of a comedy routine into their cooking demonstration which made it fun for everyone.

As promised we include more pictures of the ship to give you a better flavour of the facilities.

Tomorrow we stop at Isle Royale and tour part of the famous Devil’s Island French prison. Have you seen the movie “Papillon”?

Charm with Barbados flag on flip-flops

Hold on!

Chef's demo

On board shopping

More on board shopping

Viking history display on board

Wines selection

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